1) What is Getting There Green Day?
- It's a way to celebrate the arrival of spring by choosing green transportation options, ways of getting around that use less fuel, cause less smog and release less carbon dioxide.
- It's a virtual event, so instead of happening in just one place it's happening all around the world, wherever people are choosing green transport options.
- This is the eighth year of the event. The first was 2012.
2) When is it?
- It's on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, the first day of spring (or the vernal equinox if you prefer). At least, that's the first day of spring in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, where the event originated.
- It's on the first day of spring every year, in the northern hemisphere at least. The exact date will vary, but we'll let you know when it is each year.

3) Where is it?
- It's wherever you're going that day, Wednesday, March 20, 2019. So don't change your plans, just give some thought to getting there green.
- you don't have to "get there green" for the whole day -- if you have lots of trips to take on March 20th, even making just one of them green will help!
- By not tying it to one place we made it so that you can take part anywhere in the world.
- We also thought that by making it a virtual event it won't have a physical event's footprint: energy, litter, wastewater and other impacts. And while a virtual event also has impacts, they'll be a whole lot smaller.
- Nothing. But you may end up saving money by saving fuel. Hope that's okay.
5) How do I take part?
- We'd love it if you joined the official Facebook event. Find it on the Green Passport page, and click Join. And we'd love it if you Like Green Passport :)
6) Do I have to ride a bike?
- No. A bike is a great green choice, but it may not be the right choice for everyone, or for every day. Walking and transit are also good options, but even driving can be greened. Follow the Green Passport updates, and you'll be saving fuel and cutting emissions behind the wheel in no time.
- Absolutely! You may also walk, take a bus, take a trolley, take a train, take a tahtırevan, run, blade, board, canoe, sail, swim, kayak, row, ski, snowshoe, ride a velo-mobile, ride a recumbent, ride a tricycle, ride a unicycle, ride a horse, ride a mule, ride a screaming goat, ride a camel, ride an ostrich, ride a rickshaw, ride a dogsled, ride a bunny sled ... whew! You may even drive, but please do it green.